Monday, April 16, 2012

There Are Major Gains From Your Kids Staying Crossfit

 Physical Benefits – CrossFit is great for kids because of the wide variety of disciplines it involves, from weightlifting to calisthenics to gymnastics. Kid’s brains are like little sponges, itching to make neurological connections and adaptations. These connections in the brain are made in response to stimuli. The more kids can be exposed to when they are young, the more connections and capacities they develop and retain for the rest of their lives. Think of friends you have who did not play sports growing up, unless they have consciously worked at it as an adult, they are probably still somewhat uncoordinated. On the other hand, people you know who trained regularly in athletics growing up have a capacity to take on new things still as adults and display efficient and effective movement with their bodies. It’s always best to consider working with crossfit personal trainers in the Tampa Bay area, or where ever you may be, to achieve the level of fitness for you or your kids.

Emotional Benefits – CrossFit is similar to sports and martial arts in how it can develop children on an emotional level. In my program we work with kids on sportsmanship, leadership, teamwork, listening skills, self-discipline and manners. These are all skills, though not physical, that will help kids become successful later in life. In addition, I see a noticeable difference in the confidence level of children who have been doing CrossFit. As their bodies get fitter and their abilities expand, children generally become more physically active and less self-conscious in other athletic situations. I have also seen children lose considerable amounts of weight, resulting in a major change in body image and a big boost in self-esteem. This is especially important and beneficial in the pre-teen years.
The truth is that the very same methods that are used on the world’s greatest athletes to make them perform at their best are the same methods that will help us attain the goals we just stated above. There is no way that the majority of the people out there can lift as much or as well, as an Olympic Athlete. That’s why they are called “Olympic Caliber Athletes.” What we CAN do is to scale the exercises to ANYONE; from kids to Grandparents- EVERYONE has a level at which they can perform with a Personal Trainer Tampa.
We program the exercises to challenge the best athlete at the gym; but that doesn’t mean that its set in stone. You can adjust the weight or the number of reps down to your level at no consequence and don’t worry; you won’t be the only one.
We help you set your own intensity to accommodate any fitness or comfort level. The exercises don’t change, the way you lift doesn’t change and the methodology doesn’t change. The weight, reps and intensity, though, adapt to you. The CrossFit method can work for anyone. Whether you see yourself in one of the categories below, or in a category all your own, we are confident you will benefit from our workouts.

Maybe Consider Keeping You Kids Crossfit This Year

CrossFit is a strength and conditioning program integrating metabolic conditioning, strength training, and gymnastics into workouts designed to improve your quality of life, fitness, and health. An approach that combines all elements necessary to build functional fitness:  strength, endurance, agility. It is evidence-based fitness with measurable, observable, and repeatable results. CrossFit is a General Physical Preparedness program designed to prepare our athletes for life outside the box. It’s always best to look into a good Crossfit personal trainer in the Tampa Bay areas, or where ever you may be, to achieve the level of fitness you and your kid’s desire.
How can CrossFit Kids benefit my child?
CrossFit for children enhances a child’s motor skills by teaching better movement and cognitive skills through engaging children to think about their movement, count their reps, remember the sequences, and work towards goals. CrossFit for kids augments a child or teen’s involvement in sports by incorporating strength training and conditioning to make our CrossFit athletes better athletes at any sport.
In addition to increasing a child’s or teen’s fitness and athleticism,
CrossFit Tampa:
• instills a lifelong definition of health and positive body image,
• reverses prevalent health issues such as obesity,
• protects against injury,
• creates a community of like-minded individuals for support and self-confidence, and
• hones life skills such as concentration, problem solving, perseverance, dedication, motivation, and goal-setting.
Fitness as a Lifestyle – One of the main reasons I started working with children is because it was important to me to instill the value of fitness at an early age. It is also important to make sure kids find fitness fun – if children grow up associating working out with being something enjoyable and clearly seeing the benefits to their bodies and health, then they are more likely to keep fitness as a priority throughout their lives. Eating healthy becomes a natural and normal choice and being active becomes something they just do. Enrolling kids in an all-encompassing program like CrossFit training also shows children health and fitness is something their parents prioritize and want to educate them about.
My favorite thing as a CrossFit coach is when a whole family ends up working out together. We have numerous families who are all members of my gym. So maybe when you bring your children to check out a CrossFit class, you might check one out yourself, too. Sharing a love for fitness can be not only a time for your family to bond, but also ensures you more happy healthy years together.
What is inappropriate behavior for children?

Generally, we would like children to maintain self-control and not act against the coaches’ instructions. Inappropriate behavior for children includes but is not limited to: inappropriately distracting others during class, not listening to the coaches’ instructions, disobeying coaches’ instructions, disrespecting others, disrespecting equipment, creating a dangerous environment for self and others, criticizing others, or acting without own or other children’s safety in mind. CrossFit training for children should be fun, and we want to keep it that way for everyone!

Women Will Not Gain Huge Muscles From Being Crossfit

CrossFit Clearwater Programs are available to men and women of all ages with a variety of athletic and non-athletic backgrounds.  We offer small group classes led by certified trainers (at a fraction of the cost of any other personal training out there). Our fitness programming presents athletes of all levels with mental and physical challenges which we know from real-world evidence will produce better results than any other program out there. Please note that we scale our workouts to your athletic ability.

Women will not get big bulky muscles because they just plain don't have the hormones to build them.  It is the difference in the hormonal profile between men and women that causes their performances to also be different.  There are several aspects of a woman's performance that will different from those of a man, all of which depend on neuromuscular efficiency, and all of which are a direct result of lower testosterone levels and the effects that testosterone has on motor unit recruitment, central nervous system excitation and other neuromuscular factors. You might now be thinking that because there are such big differences, then it must be true what the fitness industry says about the necessity of gender specific programs and exercises.   This could not be further from the truth.  Women may lack higher levels of testosterone, but we are built the same when you look at our body structures.   We are not as different as bunnies and fish.   Men and Women, however, both recruit motor units into the same patterns to cause muscle contractions…..just two different degrees.   A real world example would be that physiologically, Aaron Rogers and your grandmother operate the same way, in the same sense that Labradors and Toy Poodles are both dogs.
What does this all mean?  That the type of stress (i.e. Crossfit Clearwater training / heavy strength) will cause the best results in both men and women, only the degree of results will vary.  For example, Squats work better for everybody than leg extensions, leg curls, and the Bun Blasters because of the quality of stress they produce.  “Squats are performed with the same muscles by everybody, they are hard for everybody, and hard enough to produce system-wide stress for everybody – and this is why they work for everybody.   Men are more efficient at responding to the stress of squats in terms of elevated testosterone levels, and in this respect men can get stronger and bigger faster.”  (Rippetoe) What this doesn’t mean is that women are not served well by using “less efficient” ways to produce stress on their bodies.  We just won’t get as strong or big as men.

For those that do not make dietary changes, the process takes longer.  And don’t forget that strength will have longer lasting benefits than the immediate tight bottom or smaller waist.  It will help you open jars, carry your own groceries, move your own furniture, stay mobile and osteoporosis free so you can enjoy a long active life!   So get started and pick up some heavy weights to start making the changes that you want to see.

Getting Crossfit In The Tampa Bay Florida Areas

Many people are nowadays preoccupied with staying in shape by engaging in a wide range of physical exercise. This is the reason why women and men alike are prepared to spend more time at the gym just to enhance their physique. Now some have even turned to this workout, a popular strength and conditioning exercise that includes weightlifting, gymnastics and sprinting.
Improves endurance - These exercises are designed to improve your endurance needed to perform intensive exercises such as weightlifting. In fact, it is commonly used in police academies to train recruits so that they have stamina and endurance in order to handle different situations with ease.
Develops muscle mass – This training is an effective form of exercise that can help increase your fitness level, provided you are consistent in your workout regimen. Moreover, it can help you gain muscle strength faster as compared to traditional gym exercise. Nonetheless, you should perform a variety of exercise if you are looking to build body mass. Crossfit Tampa personal trainers in the area will help you achieve your fitness goals.
How does one get started with CrossFit in Tampa area? A simple way to start is to look for personal trainers in your area, like typing in Crossfit Tampa in to search engines. Each day a new exercise is posted that is the WOD, workout of the day. These exercises are posted on the center of the page. On the left side of the site is the navigation bar which includes a “start here” link and an “exercise & demos” in addition to many other links. The “start here” will provide much of the background information to get started. The “exercises & demos” link will provide video demonstrations for the workout of the day. Also, consider searching out a personal trainer in the area who has had training the CrossFit program.
Anyone can use the CrossFit program. The program has a gained a lot of momentum among elite athletes. This attests to the success of the thinking behind this workout. This workout can be adapted to any skill level. The program can also be scaled to the abilities of those with chronic illness such as heart disease or diabetes. Remember that the “workout of the day” is scaled for the well-conditioned, elite athletes. Start very easily.  This is a powerful program and the muscles will get tired. Do not try to become a world-class athlete in one or two days. Utilize a friend or personal trainer using CrossFit along with the website. The exercises run on a cycle so that an exercise set done several weeks ago can be compared to the present level of fitness.
CrossFit is a different type of exercise routine. It is a well-rounded and very efficient way to achieve a higher level of fitness. It is a program that does not need a whole lot of fancy equipment, but does offer a nice variety to keep the interest level up and provide the challenge needed to keep the exercise fun.

Things To Get Ready For When Using A Personal Trainer

No cookie cutting here. A knowledgeable personal trainer will create a customized exercise program for you, designed to help you reach your unique health and fitness goals. A trainer will also take into account special considerations (e.g. existing medical condition, pregnancy, post-rehabilitation, medications taken, etc.) when creating a program exclusively for you. When exercising, safety is the number one priority. A personal trainer will teach you the proper mechanics of each exercise and will ensure that you are performing each with correct form, thus maximizing the efficiency of your workouts.
What can I expect during my initial training session? - During your initial meeting with a trainer, he or she will begin the process of getting to know you, in terms of your health and fitness goals, your health and exercise history, as well as your likes and dislikes. It is this information along with your trainer’s expertise and experience that will assist them in developing a customized program for you. Depending on your fitness goals, your trainer may administer a variety of assessments during the initial session, or may reserve some assessments until a point in your program that is more appropriate. The assessments that are ultimately selected are done so in line with your fitness goals, and are used to establish a baseline for progress comparison further down the road. Assessments are also used to gauge your current level of fitness, which can assist the trainer in developing your customized program (in terms of selecting proper exercise intensity, appropriate weight for strength training exercises, etc.) and meeting your health and fitness needs. Examples of assessments that may be conducted include body composition assessments, movement screens and postural assessments.
How many times a week do I have to meet with a Personal Trainer Tampa? - Just like the program itself, how many times you meet with a trainer is a very individualized decision that depends on a variety of factors, including your fitness goals and your motivation level. Keep in mind that the ultimate goal of a quality personal trainer is to promote self-efficacy within the client, enabling them to take ownership of their exercise experience. It is for this reason that a good trainer will seek to truly educate clients (about things such as proper form, appropriate intensity, ways to stay motivated, ways to progress, etc.) as opposed to just simply putting clients through a workout without having them understand the rationale as to why certain exercises were selected, and how the developed program relates back to their health and fitness goals.
How do I know which trainer is right for me? - It is important to note that not all trainers are created equal.  When in comes to selecting the right personal trainer for you do some research and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Remember that it is your body and also your time and money. Choosing the right personal trainer ensures that you will receive the most from your training sessions and also that you will enjoy the experience. Keep in mind that an investment in the right personal trainer is an investment in your health and your success.